Old histories archive (Archive)
Nombre de Usuario: Archive
Mensaje Número: 27 Registrado: 01-2003
| Enviado Viernes, 24 de Enero de 2003 - 08:41 pm: | |
2002/07/30 Dear Devotees: All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!!! Please accept my humble and respectfull obeisances. Thanks a lot for your desires about the Love to the Earth Second Day in the farm will be successful. The devotees are as desire trees and can satisfy the desire of all the world, and are full of compassion to the conditioned and fall down souls. Thank to the devotees the Saturday december 1, the Love to the Earth first day was sucessfull, sunny day, agreable weather to be on the country. Almost 30 devotees, including childs, stay at 9 o’clock with his bags and tools ready to go to the farm. Haihaya Prabhu coock to all and after some devotes more from Marcos Paz was come. The pleasant welcome worlds from Daityesa Prabhu, the speak about organic cultivations gived by the Mother Vanesa (mom of Tulasi) and the inconmensurable desite of work from the devotees was been the original point to enchantrees day. Some devotees de-malezing and the hardest works and the matajis make the almacigs. The devotees begin to prepare the land, measuring and trying to have equal worblys, claiming what is the best and organizing in the different works, sharping the tools, joining the pasture, stinging the land, sowing the tomatoe’s plantings, and Gaura Kisora Prabhu are filming... The childs play peacefully and thay went to the walk in our mare Rasa and in the minicar, they run with the dogs, play with their parents and laugh too much… at 14 o’clock a beautiful and calm prasadam, a good rest in the tree’s shadow, a walk on the farm to see the different proyects we’re making (the drive in the stiny forest was almost magically), a talk about the environment gived by our working and good friend Marcelo… and the devotees will want to follow working to end the four highlighted worblys. They wouldn’t end working until the sun will go and the hearth was burning. Lord Damodara was invited to the hearth and the devotees offered small wicks while chanting his passtimes. Soon a extatic kirtan by Mantra Murti Prabhu as aperitive to the pizzas with faina to close the program. Rama Priya Prabhu returned all, some to his own house because was too late and returned to the Temple with some more at 3 oclock, al thake a bath and was go to worship to the Lord in Mangala Arati with a big smile and a little bit tireds. Of course when the ceremony end all was go to sleep with the body tired and the heart happy. I want to thank specially to HH Gunagrahi Maharaja, who give me the idea and lent a van, to Javier Colo who donate a mould of cheese, to a worker of the service station of Constituyentes and Echeverría, who donate two mould of cheese and the milk for the lassi, to Mother Surabhi for the 50 pizzas who cook in his house and to Cesar Prabhu who give a donation and tell me sow, sow, sow!!!... Please continue helping us and Krishna will be very satisfy with you. After the success of the Love to the Earth in the farm we want to repeat this beautifull experience and we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the Love to the Earth Second Day the Saturday 15 of december. We want share to all the nectar of the devotees association to make an love interchange with our Mother Bhumi planting in without damage her whit agrochemical products, pesticides or poissons and to enjoy a country’s day with his friends, family and kids. The program will begin from the Temple (Andonaegui 2054 Villa Urquiza) at 9:00 oclock. We will have a talk about ecology, organic cultivation, orchards, farm proyects, also a delightfull prasadam, the association of the saint devotees, a hearth an devotional music. They will not be charge for food or transportation, but we ask you to lend us tools (shovels, hoes, scythes, cutlasses, etc.) food to cook in the farm, money for van’s gas, and with your prescence and blessings to be successful. Talk with Jaya Govinda Dasa moonday to saturday to the phone 0222715616879 (a new number) and Sunday in the Temple in person or calling 45234232. in the Temple give all your info to Mother Murti-Muti or Nitya Seva e-mail:granjaharekrishna@yahoo.com.ar. Alternate e-mail: baladeva@dynastar.com.ar ó szpigiel@mdp.edu.ar Withour more in particular, your servant Jaya Govinda Dasa in the extatic service to HH Gunagrahi Goswami Maharaja and Sriman Daityesa dasa. Thanks a lot, I hope Good bless you! HARE KRSNA !!! ALL KNOWN THE IMPORTANCE THAT SRILA PRABHUPADA GIVE TO OUR “HARE FARMS”. PLEASE HELP US TO COMPLAIN THE DESIRE OF OUR UNIVERSAL GURU, SRILA PRABHUPADA, HELP ALL TO THE FARM!!! DEFEND TO THE COW, DON’T USE LEATHER, VISIT THE WEB PAGE http://www.cowsarecool.com/wycd.html |